Review of

Disclaimer: In the spirit of complete transparency, I get a commission each time a person clicks on the affiliate link and makes a purchase. That being said, I wouldn’t recommend something that didn’t work or wasn’t worth it. 

The proof is in the pudding: I beat the charges “pro se,” i.e. all on my own, without legal representation, and, if I do say so myself, against all odds, and it’s all thanks to

As much as I’d like to credit my legal victory to my supreme genius and ultimate innocence, the reality is that I’m an ignoramus and I couldn’t have won without this course. I was arguably guilty on all five counts against me: assault (x2), trespassing, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct. (It’s a long story.) 

The deck was stacked against me big time: there were two “witnesses” testifying against me, at least six arresting officers who I insulted, ridiculed, and pissed off with my obstinance, obvious political differences with the judges (another long story in itself), my requests for a public defender were denied, and one more minor detail–my arrest made the news. When your arrest is headline news, your case is referred to as a “media case” and this just means that the prosecutors see you as a prize and are more incentivized to make an example out of you. 

Yes, this is my ugly mug that made the news.

Even with all these factors against me, I still won, and I couldn’t have done it without this course.

How To Win In Court looks like an outdated website, but that’s exactly why I trusted it–the lawyer who created the course Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD (BAR #: 558583. See at has been in business for over 30 years and the website proves it. His experience in law, easy to follow legal instruction, and fatherly wisdom and advice on legal strategy saved me thousands of dollars, saved me from having a criminal record, and it saved me my career.

This course is very comprehensive, and it’s loaded with legal modules for whatever a person’s situation may be. Here’s a list of everything the course offers:

Even after I beat my case, I found myself on Dr. Graves’ website because I found his lessons genuinely interesting and worth learning about. For instance, there is a short bonus unit on the trial of Jesus Christ. I grew up in the Christian faith, and never did I have His trial explained to me so succinctly and objectively as it was explained to me in this course. Also, there were historical, theological, and Jewish legal elements about His trial that I had no idea about, like the politics of the Sanhedrin. (Insert mind-exploding emoji here). The fact that Jesus’ legal battle was explained by an objective lawyer just reaffirmed my faith in the Gospel, and it also taught me that even the most innocent of men can be crucified by the state. Let this be a lesson. Learn how the game is played. 

If you or somebody you know and care about are experiencing legal problems or are in the middle of a legal battle, please share this article or link with them.

Course link: 


The $249 saved me—at least $5000.

I highly recommend this course for anybody in a legal bind – criminal, civil, family court, foreclosure, etc. As crazy as it may sound, I would even recommend this course to law students and practicing lawyers and judges. The creator of this course breaks down the legal system in digestible language and teaches the fundamentals of jurisprudence and how people win in the court of law.

Obviously, I found this course incredibly helpful. It gives anybody, even a dummy like me, a fighting chance, even with the odds stacked against them. It taught me the rules (e.g. procedures, discovery, etc.), helped me create a legal strategy, and, in the end, I won on my terms. 

To be honest, even if you decide to spend the money on retaining a lawyer or if the state grants you a public defender, I’d still recommend purchasing this course to keep your lawyer in check. A lot of people hire lawyers, or the state appoints the defendant a lawyer, and they still lose. As a matter of fact, it happens all of the time. (Let’s not forget, a lot of innocent people are behind bars right now, some even on death row. Don’t let that be you.) Don’t be a sucker. Don’t buy into these lawyers’ fear tactics. I spoke with so many criminal defense attorneys, and they all tried to scare me into giving them money. Don’t listen to them. You can win without a lawyer. I am proof.

One last thing:

When you purchase the course, you can become an affiliate and earn income like me every time somebody purchases the course. I didn’t even know about this until after I beat my case. I kind of stumbled upon it afterward as I perused the site. So, assuming you don’t even have legal issues, you can earn a side income simply by promoting the course. It’s not a pyramid scheme. I will make no money off of your sales. It’s literally just a referral code that everybody gets when they purchase the course. If you tell somebody about the course and they buy it, you get paid, and if you’re good at sales and/or advertising, you can make a pretty penny. Just saying. 

If you’d like to know more about my own legal battle, here’s a link to my e-book about my case: The Great Offense.

Connor Loretz

Fake news victim.


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